

Wednesday, 8 February 2023

Why am I bothered?

Sometimes, I'm bothered, and it's hard to talk about it with Chris as I'm not sure how I would word it non-abstractly, and I sense a tension when I talk about relationship things with her. I am in constant fear she would take it the wrong way or in a negative light. Maybe I lack trust about how much she trusts the core strength of us. Like I'm not sure if she has truly inherited that any issues are for us to work together on, and not meant to be blamed on anyone in particular. Maybe I've been tanking for too long. I will talk to her about it.

Potential Difference

Imagine needing internet space to meditate and process emotions, this post was brought to you by Buddhist gang.

I am concerned about how we would raise our kids, though when I meditate on the differences, they may turn out minor.