

Friday, 13 December 2024

Feeling fast and slow

I move slow and steady, but I feel like a waterfall. I move slow and steady, past the ones that I used to know.

I decided to stay here for Thanksgiving, having declined and offer to join Chris in NC with her family and (new) extended family. I'm glad I did, I was very tired and didn't have the energy I think to first of all socialize, but second of all adapt culturally to a family that is 3 degrees of separation away from me. I'm not sure, visualizing myself in that space, if I could stomach the loneliness, ironically, more than being alone.

I was annoyed this morning because I thought about using my phone since I was pretty productive past 3 weeks and Chris woke up and immediately told me using my phone in bed is bad and that she just learnt that. I was annoyed because we literally talked about this before, me sharing Dr K's insights about the subject, and it seems like she either forgot, doesn't care to remember, or didn't listen. Not the first time, and very frustrating. Maybe sometimes I should just ask her what we just talked about like yesterday to see if she's listening. That's toxic though, but I also am feeling pretty helpless, as if I'm talking to a bot that only responds in the moment and with a lot in platitudes, a bit like Jacob maybe. I suppose my mind is implicitly comparing to other people to whom A. don't live with me and maybe it's easier to remember rarer interactions, B. are smarter, as in my colleagues, and C. I am not as emotionally invested in if they don't listen. I was frustrated too at myself of course, because in some ways I consider it a bit of a weakness to give in to cravings too easily, and I judge Chris for it a lot. In a way it's like hearing a smoker tell you not to smoke, but in that scenario the smoker 100% knows the are addicted to smoking, and in this scenario Chris always has an excuse for her own habits, then later regrets not being productive as if they were not correlated. Question is should I care? I do it automatically, but should I dis-associate from that outcome?

I sometimes reflect that a lot of my instinctual reactions for better or worse are still tied to saving face, imposter syndrome, or the metaphorical inside-out 2 "anxiety" in my head.

Now perhaps on to processing the main impetus. There is great churn in my workplace. Most meaningfully two of my longest running managers whom have been really great and that I've built rapport with.  I'm blessed I'm still there and that my staying team members trusts and values me still. I look back with a lot of nostalgia and confusion. There was a certain level of startup-intimacy in the team, but the team is much larger than 2 pizzas now. I feel a lot of things. Like a turtle and everyone else are hares. Like a sailor on the ship of Theseus. Like the youngest and the oldest. Like a foreigner in a foreign land to which I still do not embrace outside of practicality. I've thought much also about the role models in my life and why I now go about life the way that I do, including the larger and life figures of fiction and non-fiction. I feel tired of being annoyed. Let the uncertainty come, I'll handle it.

I gave some thought to why I like Singlish. I am sure to some extent this is true of other native languages and accents too, except I cannot imagine it for Americans except for certain (minority group) vernacular. I can only describe it through feeling and characteristics. It's a feeling of authenticity. When Singaporeans complain, or use slang, it makes even corny messages feel sincere. Or maybe it's because I feel the opposite with other kinds of English. There's a certain amount of camaraderie, maybe from not being in Singapore together that is already shared the moment you speak it outside of Singapore. But it's almost as if, I were allowed to say things plainly and straight-forwardly, or maybe it's the special end-phrase intonation/signifiers that add "word emojis" to each sentence, something that modern internet memes have caught up to, to some degree.