

Wednesday, 9 January 2008

My experience in creating a blog

This is not really my first time creating a blog so I am already quite experienced, thus there is not much to say here. However, this is my first time creating a blog using proper English, this is a real challenge for me as I often type in slang on the computer.
I do not wish to be rude to Ms Neo, my English teacher, but it really is an insult to me that she gives us instructions on how to create a blog as if we are new to it and inexperienced bloggers. I also have to disagree to her instructions on using proper English in a formal way. Although I am clearly following her instructions, I would have to say the writer has the most rights in choosing his or her style of writing. However, as this is a school assignment, I have to agree that writing in proper English will not only improve my English grade, it will also allow the reader to clearly understand me. This is all I have to say so I shall say goodbye for now.

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