

Thursday, 24 December 2009

A healthy dose of Runescape

People often insult runescape players, calling them lame and what not. These people are fishing slowed down (requires musical knowledge to understand). Once in these people's lives they probably played it too, but they're "all grown up now" WOOOOWWWW all grown up now. If you think that way your probably a fork third acting cool.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with playing games you like, or acting like a kid, because being a kid means you accept that sometimes, kids are cooler than adults, that kids are innocent, your being matured enough to understand that there's nothing wrong about being a kid without a worry or vice in the world that clogs his carefree mind.

"Start acting your age" Hell I would man, act like a rebellious teenager who smokes and does crack? yah have fun dying of LUNG CANCER esso.

"I didn't mean that, I meant do stuff like learn the guitar, buy designer stuff and get a life" Oh so now I don't have a life is it? Please, if I was a person without a life I'd be at home playing runecape in the dark 24 hours, eating nothing but cup noodles. Yah that's pathetic, I agree. But do I do that? You tell me. Do I go out with my friends? Yes. Do you not go out with your friends cause you want to play runescape? No. Do you neglect other things for runescape? No. Are you FAT or malnourished? No. So shut the fort down about it.

Can't you be 'grown up' enough to accept that different people like different games, play different games? Not everyone has to learn the guitar or wear converse, levi's and $80 headphones to be cool, and its sad that people think that way. They laugh at me when I tell them I play runescape, that my shoes are bought from bata, that I'm childish. Whatever man.

I'm a casual gamer, I play things like Plants VS Zombies, Bookworm, runescape. I'm what my mum taught me to be, to save, spend wisely, I don't need material wealth to survive or to have fun. All I need is good friends that laugh with me, play with me, sing with me, to go out and have lunch with me, to share memories and joy with me. By the way, if you laughed when you read "play with me", your more childish than me.

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