

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Two sides of a coin

My mind is clearer now.

I just read an article at the Review/Forum section of today's Straits Times (ST). Its about American individualism, generally called Democracy. Now I'm a bit lost and confused on who to side you see. Its Communism VS Democracy again. For me, Singapore's style is king. In between. I have shown some resistance against democracy mostly because I feel it breeds selfishness, but I really failed to see the other side of the coin. The article aptly termed it 'DIY'ism. Do-It-Yourself. Then I realized, that this individualism also breeds self-reliance and resourcefulness (as a reult of self-reliance) which has actually spurred America to be the most innovative and inventive country in the late 20th century.

In fact, a few days ago, a futurist also interviewed by ST shared his opinion on American education. Where the weaker students are often left to fend for themselves while brighter students are given the best resources and most attention to nurture them into the great minds of today. Creativity and Innovation is most often emphasized in class. Meanwhile in Asia, the school is more 'communist' in a sense that weaker students are given extra help, and stronger students 'obviously doesn't need help'. Syllabus is memorized and crammed, knowledge is power. Both these types of education have merits and weaknesses.

Just thought I'd share my view on this because I'm quite interested in this topic.
Examination breach for pic

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