

Thursday, 15 July 2010

The injustice of tolerance

‘阿姨!你为什么让他插队呢?’‘对。。。对。。。那是不应该的。。。。。你下次不可以这样做。。。’我看起老板的脸就知道她也不敢责骂那位4E学生。很多次了,我只忍让。可是现在我受不了。那位学生给我那个bui song的脸。



Where's Mr Chia? Catching people who are late for class BECAUSE their line was cut earlier by another who got away with it? Where are the prefects? Busy catching 'smugglers' I suppose. Is it a manpower shortage? I think its so much easier to catch people cutting queues than people hiding foodstuff and bringing them up to class. All it takes is for at least one prefect to patrol the lines to give some extra authority. So even if he missed the person who cut, someone else in the line can rat him out to an authority figure. Right now, no ones doing anything. Is it because they don't know who to tell? Is it because their afraid? Is it because they don't care?

Well people, I've got something to tell you. How many shows have you watched where the oppressed masses overthrow the tyrant? Your just going to let some asshole waste your time and bully us? Are you hoping some day Mr Chia will be there all the time?

And to the people who cut lines, explain to me how cutting queue is NOT a selfish act. You can't? So your selfish? Your just going to resign to that fact that your a loser? That you don't have to courage to change your attitude for what's right? The inner strength to admit your mistakes? This is not 1980's USSR, the foodlines are not 4 hours long, and let me tell you if you cut a line there, you can say goodbye to your wife and children KGB style.

Still mourning from the picture genocide. Millions of pixels lost their lives yesterday. Forever they will be remembered for their brave sacrifice for the greater good of their photographer and his bid for 'O' Level Art. *Sniff sniff*

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