

Wednesday, 10 November 2010


In case you were wondering, the order of the friends are somewhat by when we 'established ties' first, but I can't remember clearly so its all jumbled up. At one point in an effort not to leave anyone out I'll go by register number

Especially for 4D, I want to write nearly the same thing for everyone, THAT ALL OF YOU ARE AWESOME. Yet repeating vocabulary will not do good in the near future, which has an 'O' level English paper.

For being the friend I can disagree with, but a great friend nonetheless

Wei Chung
For versatility in knowledge, from politics to cameras, that makes you the most awesome guy to have a conversation with

Jun Yew
For beating time, lending a listening ear and being the like-minded friend I always look forward to seeing everyday

Xuan Jie
For friendly competition as a deskmate, and plain friendliness and when I say friendly, I mean possibly friendlier than the Thais

Nguyen (Wind)
For being EVIL INDUSTRIALIST with me lol, being the friend I can work with anytime

For tolerating me haha I know I'm pretty annoying. but more than that, for being the person peer leaders everywhere should be like

For your spiritedness and great insight in any subject

Bhagirath (Bhagi)
For being unafraid in expressing your views and practicing what you preach

Amrit (Amy?) haha
For being a skilled debater and good friend, you might have touched something in me that is giving me thoughts of becoming a debater myself

For your perseverance and outspokenness and though others may put you down, your courage which I admire

For being you and only you, a uniquely lovable person

For being 'best friends' with me I'll never forget

Jia Lok
For everything. By everything, I mean literally, all the times we've been through together, nearly every subject and in the same boat that Mdm Ow deemed as the most stressed people in VS haha, I only wish I could give back more to you, DESKMATE

Khanh (Max)
For your sense of humour and being a great monitor

For being so upright, decent, diligent, intellectual, you name it, there should be an idiom called 'all work and all play make Amirul an awesome monitor'

Samuel Wee (Jackson)
For being the RS friend I longed for haha, but other than that, also a good friend in my life

Mai Than Nhan (Alex)
For showing me that scholars can be just as aesthetic as academic

Ravi (Kumar)
For being the 'cool' guy, always calm, always hardworking, always awesome

Pisek (Palm)
For appreciating my lameness where many wouldn't

Jirawin (Win)
For adding even more flavour to the already aromatic Thai group!

For DOMO YAYYYYYY, oh and you of course, of course your more important err whudd OK Serious part for being the friend who thought me how stupid I was to associate all sportsman with Daniel, standing up for what you think is right and showing me the true meaning of hardwork

For being the awesome friend who laughs, cries or makes an entertaining expression at my jokes, and like your brother, righteousness and hardwork

For being a uniquely awesome classmate!

For making me laugh non-stop!

You Duen
For giving your insight and shaping my perspective on many issues

Nithi (Bank)
For being smart, sporty and sincere

For being whacky but brilliant in your subjects

For being calm and collected all the time, maybe helping me when I have too much coffee

Natdanai (Game)
For insulting Alex with me patiently teaching me and helping everyone else in the class too, your the best welfare secretary I've seen!

Jin Xiang
For sharing lame jokes and table tennis rounds

Ahn Tuan (Victor)
For being a like-minded gamer and student at the same time

For listening and engaging in the most interesting discussions, and bringing your own flavour into them

Yong Kiat
For showing me I still have a long way to go before becoming a polite person =D

Hoang (John)
For SOMEHOW always playing with me during floorball lol!

For gradually becoming my good friend, I wish I knew you sooner!

Nhat Thang (Ken)
For embodying the principle of being wise without talking

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