As the Christian rock progressed, the crowd became increasingly high and spiritual (to put it in nice terms), they raised their hands in reverence and the like. An extremely nasty thought came into my mind. In fact I'll censor it. Was this scene unlike war parades to Hitler? With catchy and energetic Nazi songs and people pledging allegiance, raising their hands in a Nazi salute? And a bit more disturbing was that parts of the crowd were literally doing the Nazi salute... but to God. I was probably overreacting though. Or was I?
'Philosophoraptor'-ish question: If God is omnipresent, why do we look upwards to the sky and pray or ask why? (Woah it even rhymes) Technically speaking, you can just speak to him as if he's in front of you, or inside you. Wherever. You know? Meh. Its just symbolic of ancient religions where they turned skywards to worship Zeus, etc.
So finally, the music finished and the crowd settled to watch an Easter performance (the AV crew in the church is really good btw). Suddenly it was City Harvest all over again, but less extreme I would say. There was still super zombified dancing to 'happy' mood sort of music, which I thought was a bit weird. Then there was the emotional speech about evil romans and the blessed Lord. They're pretty good at that. They should perform a play heh. During City Harvest though, there was this large screen showing the Devil and there was a scene in hell too! Scare tactics much? A lot of babies cried.
Then, the highlight. A good sermon. Erm, did I use the word correctly? OK an easter speech. The pastor is definitely a good speaker, clearly passionate and expressive. Another extremely nasty thought. If you replaced the word Lord, God and the like with any word, the sentence is still legit. English is that funny - I'm not implying anything about religion, just a jest at the English language. I probably realised this after listening to 'A Children's Story' during my GCEP programme. Where the so-called antagonist, a trained manipulator working as a teacher in an apparent Stalinist world asked the children to pray to God, and then when nothing happened she said maybe we should pray to Our Leader. Etcetera. Can't recall the full details, look it up yourself. Online text of the book (should be full)
The pastor also said something very un-secular like. He mocked the worship of God through abstinence from Beef, Pork, etc. Woah! Uncool man! Attacking other religions (obviously) is not cool!
And then, here's the really 'erm what just happened' part. The pastor asks the people to pray, and encouraged newcomers (me included) to try it too. So I thought I'd give it a go and, so I exerted that little bit of faith I had (in his own words) and recited. Later he asked the newcomers to come forward, and obligingly I did. And all of a sudden, I became part of the church and arguably, a Christian. How'd I know? Cause after that the pastor started blessing us for 'making a decision' and later on the church gave me a 'starter kit' and Bible. WTS??? @_@ Do they honestly expect anyone to be convinced just like that? Or to make a decision there and then? In fact, I don't even know if I'm supposed to attend a service every Sunday or not. All too fast and too 'what the crap just happened?'. Seriously, maybe this is what Hendrik meant by Groupthink or induction. Meh. They said some prayers for me (about studies =.= come on you think I'm so superficial? Can't blame them, its a smart way to get people to get congregation if the individual finds hope for his common test) Of course, that aside, I definitely have more faith now, but joining this church? I don't think so actually.
Brenda's friend called me the next day (err what the
This is why I respect Kwang Ik more than most. He connects and understands my thinking. Tch, a lot of Christians hear your question and smile as if they're so smart and know how to answer and that it'll definitely convince you. Its annoyingly arrogant. Or at least, that's my perception. Yeah probably me, I have a knack for being cynical. And let me just give you some advice, Atheists don't even believe in the Bible, and you're trying to convince them using the Bible? Come on. You've got to try and think like them to convince them. Use logic and reasoning to persuade non-christians. Don't think you hold sway through spiritual means. You are neither a prophet nor God. Not a pastor, bishop, etc.
Notice the number of lights. Exclaim.
Possible captions:
Worst place to rob someone
Where Annoying Orange got inspiration
Break glass in case of emergency
The made the cut
Be careful of sharp objects
Invented when Swiss Cheese became particularly tough
Emo Corner