

Friday, 5 August 2011


Sitting next to Lien Chew/talking to him, was a bad idea. Couldn't concentrate for the whole day after that. Shucks. Can't post about that now...
Looking at my FB picture makes me sick. The smiling, crazy face. Does not. Resonate. The coffee must have ran out.
I realized I didn't really talk much about it except on my FB note.
But it has insidiously stuck to my lonely singing on the streets, in class, in my room.
I realize now that all the extra air-drumming, conducting, singing and humming are all just the backdrop of a lost time ago.

No amount of photography can replace the choir in my heart. So as Jun Yew once said, "Keep Singing".

I think one of the biggest reasons why I would have joined VJ choir is just to sing 'No man is an Island'.


Today was a perfect day to do something. I didn't.
Rifdi - what has you done? Another song in my head because of you.

All these coldplay songs are like background music to graduation and handover videos.

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