

Monday, 12 December 2011

Prom Cup

AHA. Fooled ya. No post about Germany yet. This happened directly before the trip... so didn't have time to post.

This is related to the trip though, because many debators were on the trip as well. (Prom Cup is an International Debating Competition organized by my school) And was the topic of one of our dinner conversations! (Which became quite heated) I should disclaimer that I post because I feel strongly about topics (usually), and it is a disgrace but I am no stranger to being judge-mental, one should read with a pinch of salt at my so called 'observations'.

As TED talks speaker Chimamanda Adichie put it, there is always a danger of having a 'single story'. An impression of something based on just a few stories that corroborate. Perhaps instead of pushing aside evidence that does not coincide as being inconsistent, we need to hunger for it to make a wholesome impression. I think that Raffles Debate is one of those CCAs one has to experience to get one side of Raffles to make the picture, just a little bit more complete.

Wow I sure as hell thought I had an awful lot more to say (OH NO IM BECOMING RIFDI), but it seems I've exhausted this thought pattern to that particular conversation in Germany. Well suffice to say that the debators are exceptionally brilliant, ambitious, and convicted, and sometimes the trouble lies in overdoing any of them, or not drawing the line between debates and routine conversations. I remember one of them saying he was 'an arrogant, elitist, bastard' and he doesn't care about it. Pity that I think, that really he does, but he's too scared to say it. A lot going in my head right now.


Sometimes we scoff at, we sneer at, we judge people who laugh, make a joke, maybe giggle, or shout and talk loudly during a solemn event, maybe a funeral, maybe at a war memorial site. Maybe its just their way of coping, maybe the dead want the living to be happy and laugh, maybe the passed would have laughed too.

Is being happy after a depressing or traumatic event being strong or being pretentious?


There is a very curious impression I make on people. The top 3 misconceptions being
1. I'm from RI Sec
2. I'm from the Humanities Program
3. I'm in council/chorale

Is that good or bad?


Read this on my friend's tumblr

"I could have kissed you
under cherry blossoms,
pale petals drifting down
like the trees wanted to
pretend they could be

I could have kissed you
in the rain, drenched to
our bones and not even
caring that the skies
opened up above us
and tried to wash us out.

I could have kissed you
in a clearing in the most 
secluded woods, with
just the sound of wind
rustling through the leaves
and a few voyeuristic
finches peeping at us.

Instead, I kissed you
in a parking lot of a
Waffles House, just shy
of 2 a.m in the middle
of a hectic week, with
our waitress grinning
at us from the other
side of the window.
because honestly,
how could I not?"
~Location, Location, Location

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