

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Argo Alone

Went to watch a movie by myself yesterday for the first time. A lot of people place unnecessary drama on the fact that you do things alone, like for example if you eat lunch alone in a food court. But not many think about the fact that we spend a lot of time by ourselves at home too. No difference then, just enjoy yourself no?

Was definitely a good film (if rotten tomatoes can give 95% for any film, definitely worth a watch). Do agree there's a little bias in nationalities here and there, but forgive-able I guess. Compare it to 300 (or even AC3, where I can tell you I've killed more British regulars than Leonidas has killed Persians) and you can see why. These sort of films will always find criticism in such areas.

Many people also dramatize the fact that I'm entering NS soon. Truth be told I would have probably taken up a holiday job and would have been somewhat busy too (but not stay in camp obviously) or else spend a lot of time on Civ. #woops.

Halo 4 sucks by the way. (except if you have multiplayer) Campaign levels and story was shit, seriously. Anyone who's played that Halo 2 mission where you enter some ruins to kill the Prophet of Regret will know. I think something gravely lacking is the epic music/score in Halo 4. (Heretic, Hero was played on that level) Made even traversing High Charity in super dark settings seeing nothing but rocks and covenant purple relaxing even. (Peril was playing on that level)

Still, despite all the anti-drama. Walking down the streets in Katong and observing the 10 o clock and 12 o clock crowds was definitely emo as hell.

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