

Monday, 6 October 2014


I usually blog in quiet nowadays.
At 2AM, or 7AM or on a work day. But I've waited for a long time to no avail of such an opportunity.

In pursuit of my future (at last), I've decided to take time off, from everything, to read. I've got five books and I'm currently halfway into the fourth at the end of the third week or so. Somewhere in my head a voice screams that my attempt is vain - no, there isn't any way to get my writing score up in time to get into a good US college.

Perhaps, but I'll still try. Regardless, the seclusion has affected my everyday experience significantly.
ENFJ. I once read that such people should not be left alone, because they tend to harbor dark thoughts despite their strange nature to be both an extrovert but good at introspection. I have found this to be true in my experience. I often tend to go through month long cycles of social activity (I'm such a nerd, eesh) and then step back and kind of just do my own thing for an equally long period. Often, I get tired out by one of the other and hence switch to the other.

For a few months now, I've been going out every day of the weekend with different groups of friends. It was nice to feel busy, to feel involved, going somewhere. Where I was really going, I'm not sure, but I knew it would end. Finally one day I realized that NS was ending, and I had to think long and hard, of what to do next, and how to prepare for it. Suddenly, my friends were heading overseas and my fellow officers were disappearing from the battalion through offs and leave, I had an understudy and no longer was I needed so much in branch; suddenly, I was alone but free.

I've always known my contradictory outlook of life - I hate unnecessary drama, but often in my own head I'm creating a whole lot of it. To put it into an analogy, take this blog. A person who doesn't know me personally and who reads it will likely think I probably like drama flicks, am emotionally attached and acute, am the touchy cry-ey type, etc. If you DO know me, you'll know I'm quite the opposite, and I rather think such types are weak and insecure. 

Ah, I've made the cardinal problem with my essays thus far - digressing and going nowhere.

I was beating around the bush.

Last week, I broke up with Melissa. Why? I'm certain it was for a few reasons. One, is my current state of wanting to be by myself and just reading a little. Two, it was not lost on me how different our personalities and outlook were, this probably being the strongest point. Three... well I can't think of any but three's apparently the minimum number of points to give in an essay so three - I had a nudge, a feeling it wasn't right to wait any longer. 

She said "I really like you, you're a nice guy." That's not going to cut it... because I know there are plenty of nice guys out there, so what makes me special? Do I really make her happy? Am I happy? The whole thing was a little too polite. I'm not looking for drama, I think it's stupid and unnecessary. But I felt nothing. I wasn't lying what I wrote in her card, or told her, that she's lovely, a listening ear and pretty. And even now, I feel nothing. 

I feel terrible because I don't want to hurt her, but I also knew somehow it was now or worse later. I also know perhaps I was expecting too much. I wouldn't know. 

I asked myself a few times already these days - am I depressed? Maybe. Couldn't care less though, am not suicidal and life goes on right? Recently I've not been able to stir any excitement in me (aside from learning about all the Gods in American Gods, which I had recently finished). What excitement? That excitement, of the weekend trip you're looking forward to, of that album you can't wait for, of discovering something cool. Enough excitement that I would want to wake up early. 

Coffee has been an artificial sweetener to my life. I'm probably addicted to the stuff.

Right now, I need someone to talk to. Someone that listens to indie rock, reads widely and wouldn't mind a good beer or coffee. At the moment, that person doesn't exist. I'd settle for a person who can help me do college apps though...

That's going to suffice for now.

This is really good... and not just to describe my feelings melodiously.

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