

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Were you rushing or dragging?

I had absolutely zero time to think about this during winter break tbh.

Let's lay it down. Proper. Though I'm late.

Strongest reasons to rush:
The AMERICAN Experience
Cheap(?) housing (this can easily be circumvented tbh; look, progress already)
Friends :'( - basically meeting a whole bunch of people and not rotting in sophomore year
~Sidetrack: Am I really that greedy? I have an awesome group of friends that stay in ISRC...but what will happen in year 2? Even year 3? IF ONLY I was talented; dang for shame man. And Jesus dude you have so many guy friends already.
Pride - admittedly. Wanted to show I'm not a close-minded guy I guess? But I suppose it's for the wrong reasons.

Strongest reasons to stay away:
Do I really subscribe to some archaic notion of gender separation? (I mean, I went to VS?)
~Sidetrack: is it too idealistic to believe the differences between genders are too tenuous, too insignificant to warrant such a division?
The icky icky behaviour exemplified even by my seniors in Lambda Chi - is it being honest with yourself? Or sexist? Of course, there's always physical attraction, should we pretend/deny it? On the other hand... there's just something disgusting about 'checking out chicks'. The 'nature' logical fallacy. If something is natural, does it make it right? Is this one of the cases? Hasn't the era of social prohibition shown to be an utter failure?

And goddam Kaplan papers due so fast.

This decision might have been sealed had their frat house contain a drumset.

#86 Air-drumming and headbanging
Aw yissss. I just love the release from drumming, but I'm going to dedicate this number just to air-drumming, because I obviously do it a lot more and I can do it anytime I want. When I need to hype out, scream on the inside, and generally give menacing glares to anyone I see while getting my fix of angry music.

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