

Thursday, 2 June 2016


This is why you can't/shouldn't ask people to just be 'honest' or speak on a whim all the time. What you're getting is not 'honesty' but instinct, you are asking for answers given imperfect information and expecting the reply to be perfect or to be considered. Of course it's not going to be. Thoughts are considered so as not to be irresponsible. But it was my bad, I was led on, and it's hard to be absorbed and considered at the same time, it's hard to be in the flux and not be tossed and out of the flux but lonely and stale.

I didn't expect this much unexpectedness. (Duh) but I'm well aware that perhaps that will always feel like the case. I am matured enough to understand that I cannot be selfish here, it's not ethical. But it seems like a fundamental problem now more than a matter of adjusting. The power imbalance seems a little tipped at this point.
I wonder if I should speak to someone about this.

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