

Saturday, 27 May 2023

Dr. K

Been watching (binging) his streams/VODs a bunch, the interviews with streamers mostly and decided to write down thoughts if I remembered them.

I like this stuff:
1. how to disarm and humanize your teammates in online games

2. the neuroscience behind technology, esp. dopamine and adenesine(?)

3. what is burnout?

4. understanding ADHD, the vata mind, and procrastination

5. that I need/want to hear this more

6. "western medicine focuses on conclusions on averages"

7. Awareness and experiencing the thoughts and emotions

8. for the first time in history, more people in some places might be dying from obesity than starvation

9. Relationship stream with Mrs. K

10. some try-able stuff like 

11. more soon!

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