

Friday, 15 October 2010


I visit 5 blogger blogs and a couple of tumblr blogs regularly.

But I want to post about the latter. Though not as conventional as the first, I believe the latter has a lot of depth and meaning. True, one might say most of it is reblogging, hence its originality is loss. But does originality truely matter when the content is just good?

'Integrity is doing the right thing when no one is watching.'

I take this from Hendrik's blog, and I think its one of the most meaningful quotes I've ever seen. A blog, I think, is somewhere you share. You share experience, opinion, etc. In tumblr, its mostly pictures and quotes. While some say it is rather thoughtless and distant, I truely beg to differ.

'You are what you eat.' applies here. While this may not be food, it has similar meaning you know? Someone doesn't have to write original things all the time to be a unique person, perhaps its just the different combinations of music we listen, pictures we see, books we read, that influence us, that imbues in us, the originalality of ourselves.

We are all made of the same bases after all aren't we? Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine and Guanine. Yet we are so different people. Its just different combinations.

The couple of tumblr blogs I read can have the same affect, bring me the same joy when I visit them as any blogger blog that has an essay-long post, by just having one word, which aptly put, paints a thousand words.

Why am I double posting? Maybe its cause I just did a TK paper and realized there is no answer, has rendering my work, well... pointless. <----

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