

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Wow. Most amount of flaming I've ever seen

Woah! Have any of you seen the amount of flaming and argument in here?
Click the link I put below, and read through some of the 'this comment has been flagged as spammed'
Notable flamers here:


I'd just like to warn you its not for the faint hearted, for I too felt a tinge of hatred after reading certain comments. Then again, I laughed out loud at others. Howvever, I'll try to remain as neutral as possible because people are entitled to their own opinion for all I care.

The video I'm talking about

I just want to put in perspective here, that I don't think almost any arguement here can be credible concerning individuals because this is cyberspace. People don't know each other. They don't see each other in real life. The only evidence they have are the comments they have put up. Which is why it is very difficult to make sound arguments.

They don't have the context.

That's why we study history is it not? Like Mr Khoo said, we don't go into an exam blind.
No one knows what the others been through in reality. Thats why we need to be understanding and respectful. Its not as cut and dry as some SBQs like Harry Truman speaking about communism.

This is a bit of an add-on to that previous post on the 911 conspiracy. I mean, I see people who act 'enlightened' when they have just closed their mind. I believe that not all sources are reliable just because they go against convention, in fact, that's totally wrong. They are only reliable when they go against their OWN convention, for instance, if a person blames himself.

I think I'm starting to beat around the bush, maybe you should just read some of the comments and tell me what you think? If anyone actually reads my blog haha.

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