

Friday, 3 December 2010

Only panicked in my dreams

Throughout the 'O's, I admit it, I was, in a way, enjoying my life. Yeah I did study moderately, but I could wake up late (for afternoon papers), go home early, and do whatever I want. No paper exceptionally frightened me.

Yesterday, I ate Cambodian for dinner, lots of curry, nothing unusual. Probably doesn't go very well with sprite float (which my younger brother ordered) though. So at night fast asleep and dreaming. The most terrible dream occurred!!!

The 'O' levels were still here and I had one day to prepare for my CHINESE DRAWING AND PAINTING exam tomorrow =O THE HORROR. CHINESE + AEP ?!?!?!? I had no ideas and no prep work!! I panicked very much and the extra amounts of adrenaline pumped into my blood must have woken me at that moment. I woke up still thinking of ideas while my subconscious slowly dissipated. That's when I thought to myself:

The 'O's are over you dumbass.


My good 'ol Canon (delighting you always) Ixus compact is broken =((

A wise photographer once told me you need both a compact and a DSLR at any time to be a good photographer. That's the beauty of the compact, take it out any time and its ready to capture a fleeting moment, no need to change all the buttons and what not. I grieve for my camera...

That photographer btw, is Vincent Munier... I love his work... exactly the subject matter I'd like to take one day.

Visit his website!


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