

Saturday, 1 January 2011


The end of the decade. Is it relevant? How is time relative? Isn't it another year? So what if its a new decade?

A milestone is all it is. It is no different then any other day today. Maybe sides not going to work/school and perhaps saving that $1 off your parking coupon fee.

I hope that people will enjoy everyday and make the most of everyday.

Yes, you can look back and reflect today. But what about tomorrow? And the next day? Do you continue to better yourself everyday? Make new resolutions each time you learn something instead of just each year?

Here in forever sunny Singapore, the weather hasn't changed. It hasn't suddenly become spring. People with new New Year's Resolutions haven't changed drastically really. (Unless their resolution is to become Bipolar) Change is gradual and marking 2011 as a big change may not be as apt as one can think.

So I'm back. Heh. Do you want me to post about my trip? Maybe if I'm free and not lazy (will never happen).

Happy New Year 

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