

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Internet Frustrations

My internet has never been good.

Once, my HC friend X came over and played some warcraft with me. Then, I started to lag a bit and complained out loud about how screwed my internet has always been.
"No lar, where got so louzy?"
In disbelief, he went to a internet speed checking website.

OK Marcus, I know your internet sucks more haha. (Evidence being your constant single playing and most online ventures involving mere blogging (which you adequately whine about how long your inba digital illustrations take to load) and Runescape, the fail-safe of any screwy internet gamer)

Anyways, I just wanted to vent my frustrations after constant Modem changing, wireless router settings, 2 hour sessions every month of DYI short-term fixing, the blood (not really), sweat (moderate amounts followed by a short shower), and tears (in my head). Also included are dust, vulgarities and more dust.

Right now, my server seems to be dropping every 10 seconds or so, meaning any photo that takes longer than that to upload fails, same going for long posts or slower servers like tumblr sometimes. Can't even comment on Hendrik's blog!


The crappy quality (not really bah) photo change on my blog from the awesome cloud formation to the cute and very smart toy idea from IKEA, though I doubt they actually meant it to be a fish ball, cause they had a cat version too.

From a deviant artist! Love the facial expressions xD

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