

Friday, 27 May 2011

Some relief. More stress.

Photog farewell is over. And me and the exco are now officially... in charge.


I know I often take things too seriously, but can I really know how people feel?

For one thing, I broke the sculpted hand yesterday that Daniel placed on shoulder symbolizing handover (haha) and then I just stunned, he had to tell me to pick it up...

For another, I spilled the melon milk + wasabi drink on Zhi Yuan. Up till now - can't read his impression of me. In text message exchanges, he seems cordial. But in real life, he's a little cold on me. Maybe I shouldn't be too obsessed with trying to please the ex-chair of RI (Sec) photog. But how can you not, when his support means so much more. I know it. Just look at how charismatic Daniel and Zhi Yuan are, spamming jokes all the time and everyone looking up to them. He definitely supports Megan though.

And my presentation was less than stellar. So many darn common powerpoint mistakes, and even though I excuse that it was rushed, I myself, feel like such a pathetic hypocrite. Eddy is a nice guy and all for telling me about it, and then I had to be so defensive. Fuck. My. Self.

Turnout? Lame. The RGS Chair was very nice, so were the rest who came. I hope they still have faith in Photog.

Even with the exco, most of my ideas or thoughts are quite cynical or extreme, and I'm pretty lousy at listening and taking notes. I try to do everything only to give less than my best.


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