

Friday, 3 June 2011

4 Days / The H1s

Of CCAL camp.
I'm glad I click really well with other CCALs. And woohoo dragon boating :D. As usual I was insecure about... being me haha. For one thing, I have about as much strength as a 14 year old swimmer. For another, I'm not so much the camper type. Not that I mind the outdoors. But I don't know much about cooking, or pitching tents, etc. But I guess, you just have to be confident about yourself, and people will respect you for your strengths and identify you as such, not your weaknesses. Or maybe its just cause CCALs are the sort that gracefully accept and genuinely respect everyone. Go Raffles!

On a related note, 80% of the Ngee Ann-ians (5) in Raffles are CCALs!!! :D I can really start to see students appreciating and loving their secondary schools, JCs, and beyond. But what about our Primary Schools and Kindergartens? I don't know if anyone did, but in my later years in Ngee Ann, I really started to absorb values and build my character. Morrison-Richardson House Captain: Ngee Ann. Raffles Rock Chair: Ngee Ann. Table Tennis Chair: Ngee Ann. Raffles Photographic Society Chair: Ngee Ann. 

So hi! I'm Li Keen, I take decent photos, sing OK, enjoy challenges and volunteer (too much)!! ^^ I do my best to love all and respect all. I make an effort to include everyone and 饮水思源!I kill myself for making mistakes over and over again, to ensure maximum learning efficiency!!! >:D

All the following shots were taken in Bintan where the camp was held, all of them are also on facebook.

The guy on the right is photoshopped in cause he overslept xD

Edit: I just realized that centralizing my photos will cut-off certain portions on the right! But not doing so will make writing accompanying text a whole lot more irritating!! 左右为难...


Of break before I go to the USA
I practically have no holiday. After CCAL camp comes 4 days of hard core photo editing and then economics educational trip, during which I have been told to study and learn loads. When I come back, its just in time for Chinese Orals and make up lessons, plus all my leftover homework. This is probably the closest to 'no holiday' ever. After all the half-joking complaining in earlier years, you really realize how crazy JC life is.


Of Change.
Do you believe anyone can change drastically in four days? I think after that blog post 'TIME', I've really come out of my little cave. Maybe it came slowly. Having been put into the Chair position, you can't help but get a confidence boost. And I think I really needed it. We keep telling ourselves we'll always get back up, we'll recover from failures, from breakups, we'll work hard, we'll succeed. But when the going gets tough, you break down. And you realize your limits are... limited. Its really true that you need to taste defeat before you become great. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. If you shelter yourself your whole life, you won't get anywhere.


General Paper
The recently concluded Pre-U seminar and upcoming Econs trip has painfully reminded me that I have not read the papers or Time or Economist in a week. :/ Has the GP rep lost his drive? Was he only interested in the elections or Libya after all?

Project Work
I feel terrible for not contributing anything the past few crucial days leading up to the GPP submission. I'm really glad my group is so hardworking and tolerant. From what I've heard, we're the only group which managed to get approval. It may be owing to the fact that my teacher suggested our new topic anyway, but I cannot discount the fact that my group is made up of dedicated individuals with drive and BROTHERHOOD!!! :D (No girls mahhh :x) Joshua Chia is a true blue HUFFLEPUFF Victorian, lives up to the motto Nil Sine Labore really well. I want to pass on being leader to him, but well, the position is more symbolic anyway.

黄老师已经说了,如果要进步华文,基本上要讲华语,写华文。虽然成绩差,可是一旦我放弃时,那就可以算一个科目不及格,明年还要再考。因此,从今天起,我必须尽力用华文和华语交通,希望能促进华语程度,当时也帮我在‘满足人民会议’(Meet-the-People Session)变得比较有用和不懂英语的居民讲话。我不可以再懒惰;不可以实用我底底的华语程度来做个理由。看来,我再需要我中学的,陈旧的华文笔记本。

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