

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Victorian Challenge / Bullying

They're not exactly related topics.

Once again I felt the excitement of a new day. Victorian Challenge day. When was the last time I felt this good? SYF, Rhapsody, camps, probably. Or maybe every single day I was in VS. This was actually my first so to speak, since I missed the one which 4 years ago as per tradition due to an overseas choir competition. Was kind of sad not being able to cheer, but got to sing again with me juniors... miss choir.

Don't know why, but something compels you to just. Just do it. No one cares if you can't run 10km like them. No one cares if you're not a buff-lord. Just do your best.

Gentleman, Professional, Sportsman.


Attending the bullying forum must have seen boring to my group mates. Yet every word spoken seemed clearly relatable to me. (Despite the Honky pronounciation) In case you don't know. I bullied a classmate once in Primary School. I didn't really understand, didn't really care what he felt.

Listening to the survey, I was probably a reactive aggressor. But that means I must have been somehow bullied in other ways before. Tch. I do think pretty insecurely sometimes. Screw it. I've changed.


With development like that, there will be less of a sky and more of skyline

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