

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Insights & Reflections

Why yes, that's what I just finished, but it made a pretty decent title for this wannabe-sociologist post.
Also this post is 2 days late


New Lyrics - Some songs from Habitat for Humanity Concert. Will elaborate next time.
She spoke words that would melt in your hand
Thinkin' thinking bout you... you make me feel like the one!
Dear God, the only thing I ask of you, is to hold her when I'm not around
Take me to the place where you go, where nobody knows, if it's night or day
Who knew the other side of you?


The Yong Xien effect
Yong Xien is a person in my class who on the exterior, has little care for basically anything except self-interest. He also believes, simply, that everyone does the same. i.e. Politicians don't give a damn for people, only their taxes. People like Jia Lok don't give a damn about your feelings, just his fanbase. Sincere people are the most scary to him because they are unpredictable and he is wary of their underlying motives. But this is portion of this post is not aimed at rebutting and spewing anger on him. No, he is neither misguided or should be condemned, God loves all.

This effect is a curious interaction when two feuding parties, or awkward parties (towards each other) find interest in conversation or are suddenly more willing to talk when this third party, a Yong Xien, enters the fray. Perhaps the truth is that because Yong Xien shows a clear, explicit philosophy of life, or his super indifference and social awareness, these two more socially apt, higher EQ participants become more confident, or become aware of their own social prowess, or find this new interesting subject to talk about; a person to target for insults or jokes.

This is the sad part, that two actually like-minded, or similarly characterized people, are only united, or willing to talk to someone less social than them, or deemed very different from the world. That talking to Yong Xien is easier than talking to a perfectly matured person because maturity breeds that cynicism and social stay-away.


The Balanced-Imbalance hypothesis
Slightly related to the Yong Xien effect, this is somewhat of a multi-party vs bilateral-party social phenomenon. I postulate that when attempting to approach a person, it is easier to proactively start the conversation, or sit with the person, when you have a buddy with you. Not really a wingman thing, but building on instances when one to one talking, which is hell more intimate, is more difficult to start. It takes a whole load of courage especially when starting a convo with a person you don't talk with very often. But not only that, many might say this third party would intimidate the reacting person (i.e the person you want to talk to). I contend that unless the two have not met (and sometimes even if they do), it is actually more comfortable for him/her. Hence the name, balanced-imbalance. That somehow, 2 against/approaching 1 is more stable a social interaction then 1 on 1.


Passive-Aggressive theoretical approach
I am too aggressive. They tell you to speak with conviction. It doesn't work if the audience ain't willing to listen, more a model for speaking to an apathetic audience. Hence, I crawl back into my cave while I wait for the fires outside to subside. Strong winds merely fan the flames.


Socio-Telepathic Sonority
Ben accidently mentioned he-who-shall-not-be-named-in-front-of-her... in front of her. Me and Jia Lok met with a fleeting glanced and sniggered uncontrollably. Benedict WOOPS Kah Leong.


Status Worthy
You say your goodbyes, you promise the next meet-up. You step out from or into, the bus, the train, the room. You step out of sight, you step into your solitude. And it is this quiet in your mind, and the softness of your surroundings that lulls your conscience out of slumber. It is in these moments of lonesome travel and contemplation, that you truly begin your own journey of the soul.


Its a little late. But intro-ed from Rifdi

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