

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

When dy/dx=0

Hate the sin, love the sinner.
Do not judge.
I was hopeful. I still am.

My friends it has come to a point where there is only forward.
People in the class tell me "it can't be solved", "you're too idealistic Li Keen".
Here's what I think. The truly idealistic will always keep to their core beliefs to a worthy cause, and it will become realistic.

The unraveling of minds, the outspoken-ness of participants in the class is a very good thing.
In my opinion, this situation is akin to a Cold War, no communication makes it worse. You say avoid the problem, I say detenté and brinksmanship.
This is how they glorify war. That one camp is full of bastards, we're the heroes. The consequences - devastation that no knows boundaries. We need to learn to listen. That there are always detractors, faults on both sides. But will you engage the the Burmese dictators in that slim margin of Democratization, or refuse completely, and impose sanctions on them, condemning their actions. Let me tell you that first and foremost it is in my religion to never condemn the sinner. Hate the sin, love the sinner.
Tomorrow I might go to class persecuted. For I have spilled the beans on many people. I have possibly damaged reputations. But this is inexcusable, unsustainable. I cannot take it. If I am not changing this I am not a part of this.

Dammit. I'm so tired. What do I do, what the hell am I supposed to do.


I want to play a quiet game of scrabble.


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