

Monday, 22 April 2013


Perhaps I can't do this alone.

When I'm tired, when I'm lost. When I wish time would just stay still for a while more, let the calm proceed longer before the storm. Time means more to me now, money less so. Suddenly willing to cab more.

And out of all this I know i truly long for someone. Maybe not a relationship, though undoubtedly it has crossed my mind many times. But at least a buddy whom I know will be with me throughout. No don't even mention my BMT one. Bad start to an OK end. I don't know... I guess sometimes I just felt so alone in BMT. I felt distant from my platoon mates. I remember i went up myself to the 6th floor to clean the platoon 4 bunks without my friends first, only to find out the timing was changed and i was half an hour early. But i tell you at that time i relished that alone time, just wiping away listening to songs.  I don't know why either... Bah. Why can't i bring my iphone to safti :/

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