

Sunday, 7 April 2013


A cycle again. I thought perhaps I may uphold a happy spirit for a long time. 

But there will be times of reclination.

No, it is not a defeat of any sort, merely an understanding that it is alright to be different in different circumstance.

I remembered that I didn't like how people acted differently to different people. I was merely a fool for believing you could be sincerely yourself around everyone. Surely it would be more polite to adjust accordingly when necessary, despite holding on to some fundamentals of course.

Stubbornness beckons me back to my cave. I say I'm tired, or am i just childish?
Often I find myself a fool for going back in the first place, and then the other way around.
But in any case, that cycle only seems to happen around certain groups of friends. So it shall be that it may be better I keep my emotions in check; back to basics for this blog.

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