

Thursday, 14 January 2010

"Chill" Li Keen

If that's all counsellors say to their patients, suicide rates will probably quadraple. Being more outspoken towards hating some people has helped a lot. Yes yes we all know that hate is bad. But this anger is much better than in sec one. This one feels gooodd...People often say that getting angry over insults and teases by your friends are weak and moody emo kids. Their not. If they were than there would be no need to punish bullies. Of course they hurt. Especially if their thrown at you at every instant. "Chill Li Keen" <--- From Jon Lee. Bitch. It just makes me more angry. You think "chill" can just solve anything? For example. "YOU LIE OBAMA" (I want everyone to know I support Obama btw). If he had replied "Chill dude!" to that guy, he'd be A. Thrown out of office B. Thrown out of the country or C. Get a shoe thrown at him (haha george bush)You can't just say chill and hope that it makes people stop being angry. Of course, Jon Lee or stomata underneath will probably reply that their 'just joking'. Maybe one day I should tell them to stop it for one day and see how it goes. See whether their really 'just joking'. It's difficult to keep emotions in for too long, it will eat you from the inside. No matter what, we are all human, and worse I'm a teenager, in a stage of my life when my peers are more important than my family.

Stomata underneath tied Jon Lohs shoe to the railing today. What an ARSE-HOLE. Seriously. And once again, that's what she said/epic win spammer laughs madly. I would hate him too for siding with stomata underneath but I don't know, something tells me his not like him. He loves history, has strong environmantalistic values, cracks some pretty wise jokes and isn't that bad a guy without stomata underneath around. His as mean as stomata underneath now though... I hope Jon Loh doesn't emo like me and stays strong against these mean assholes.

You know, its true that when you joke about someone you don't think its hurtful. And I'm pretty weak. I didn't firmly go by not insulting anyone. I have, in order to not get insulted myself. And I didn't think I was hurting him because it was behind his back... but it will, it grows. The dark humor grows. I will continue to be stronger to fight back. My pride has been stabbed but it will recover.

In primary school my teacher told me people insult me because I get angry over it. It's kind of true now, but there are other things now... shall put it in another post bah; this one getting too long,

So to all those people who say 'relax lar likeen' or 'chill man'. Sorry, but Im not a mutt. And I think Jia Lok has the right thing going. His unfaltering principles. He can be abit uptight but its way better than tieing someone's shoes for no reason. Those people should go to hell. sighz if Jia Lok sees me now he'd hate me for using so many vulgarities hehe.

Mysterious floating UFO.

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