So, grudgingly I asked the somewhat moody Rifdi to lend me and he was being dam nice today. So I gonna borrow from him. He says he ripped it to lend to other people 的. You know, he usually doesn't like lending people stuff cause he wants all his stuff in mint condition, so to speak. So gotta thank him for being so nice. I think if he had a family like mine he'd understand why I don't mind lending people stuff. I mean both my parents get so excited when they know how do something new with the computers even if its like looking at my bro's facebook. To us its a norm. Even my elder bro when he got the mac he was like 'WOAH YOU CAN DO THAT?? WHAT THE'. Haha, turns out even though to Rifdi I'm completely tech illiterate I'm the smartest in my house. The thing about stuff spoiling is, it happens. You can't keep everything perfect all the time. I mean of course you want it to be. Maybe its cause rifdi's stuff are all so legit and EX. To me, if I try my best keep something in tip-top shape my family will spoil it. My younger brother already almost spoiled my new Wii motion plus, he scratched my Jet Set Radio Future so badly it can't be played properly on my Xbox and he even spoiled the Xbox itself! He also erased my Transformers on Wii Decepticon save game. I already fighting Optimus Prime wth lol. But nevermind, game is game. I get annoyed by my younger brother spoiling my stuff, that's why I don't like him playing my stuff. Haiz, I can relate to Rifdi de. But again, sometimes its about sharing the joy you know? Sometimes you have to be noble, self-sacrifice, something like that. Cannot keep all the fun and stuff to yourself. You have to be patient with your friends and family.
Haiya tommorow have to go back to school. Back to all my stress. It's killing me liao, hopefully my teacher's be abit lenient on me. I haven't even studied for my physics revision test. To all those wishing me well, I thank you a lot. To me, my friends and family are more important than defeating Optimus Prime.
Some of my old photos with my Canon Compact. This one's called Gray-ce. One of the many which contributed my A1 at start of sec 3.

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