

Friday, 15 January 2010

I'm cold not cool part I

Do you qualify as 'cool'? Here's a list of stuff that I think makes you semi-immune from suaning and allows you to hang out with 'cool' assholes people. Having more than one helps.
1. You play a rock instrument. Bass, guitar, drums will put you in that category. Also extra points for showing off on the choir room drum set while people are slacking. E.g. Jon Lee

2. Your stinking rich. Buy all your friends, plenty of Ipods, and Mr 1/high favour not to kick you out of school. Make sure you act aloof, be realll skinny to the bones, and move at a slow pace at all times. I could 'afford' to go there, but I don't want to be a jerk. E.g. I have so many pimples on my face and am fucking skinny but don't care cause I'm rich guy.

3. You were good friends with a current 'cool' guy. This keeps you on good terms with the paikias gang and prevents them from suaning you. E.g. Jun Chong?

4. Your chao fit. Wimps want to be you, other jocks become your good friends, who doesn't want to hang out with you? E.g. Husain

5. You listen to the same punk-ass metal <----by generalizing this Rifdi gonna kill me =P. These include but are not limited to... the Ramones, Green Day, A7X, Metallica, Guns and Roses, Queen, the group I alkali metals, My Chemical Romance, KISS, Alice Cooper, etc etc. Listening means you must buy their albums (not download) and listen to their unpublicised hits as well. Extra points for going their concerts E.g. Clive (though he failed green day if you know what I mean =X)

6. You RULE at soccer. Or any other sport actually, just as long as its played often or is a CCA at school. UNLESS ITS CRICKET. E.g. Hendrik

7. You are inba pro at other 'cool' skills. These include but are not limited to... Photoshop, photography, drawing, bowling, skateboarding, having infinite knowledge about technology and get angry when people don't know as much as you or BUY INFINITY PLUS ONE AMOUNTS OF HEADPHONES. E.g. Marcus, Daniel, Rifdi

8. You are good at suaning. You must be mean, a jerk, an asshole, a bastard and able to strike back when people suan you. Being extra jerkish, meanish, bastardish and assholish helps. E.g. Stomata Underneath

There are many more things that I can add but may not have come to mind now, next time I shall do part II on uncool shyt. That I do. haha. I'm ugly and I'm proud!

All my works are not photoshopped and are in raw form. Its not just about skills and knowledge with the camera. Its about being there and noticing things. Street photography.

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