

Tuesday 10 April 2012


Finally a term to describe me. After establishing my belief in my extroversion and succumbing unknowingly to social convention that charisma, energy, action, American-ish traits are better then solitude and contemplation, my introvert self has been left woefully neglected. As it should be shouldn't it? And its so sad that when we just want to be ourselves its because we're emotional or not in a good mood. What's that supposed to mean? Too long have we understood homo sapiens as social beings, a result of group selection, that we respond negatively to quiet, deep thought by one's self.

Perhaps the supposed anger and insecure that emanates from introverts manifests from the social perception that such behavior is 'anti-social'. This, in fact, instead of improving their sociability, grossly undermines their confidence and self-worth, a detriment to their creativity and productivity. A sure trait of the introverted intellectual.

I should try to stop talking in sophisticated fashion.

I really could feel the sincerity in this talk.

1 comment:

Yan Mei said...

Hey, we've been thinking of a similar topic. I watched the video too. :)