

Saturday 31 July 2010

Emptiness and despair

Emo title eh? Actually I'm just very very lost right now. It always happens when I finish a game. "What do I do now?" I really have no clue. I'm definitely not in the mood for homework, because I find it difficult to do something 'with no end in sight'. Maybe I should be a 'D', result oriented.

So I just finished playing a game which I cannot reveal online. What am I doing playing 2 weeks from the Prelims? Well I don't find it affects me very much. If I don't play I sleep. If I force myself to study I fall asleep. Coffee doesn't help if I got no motivation. If you still don't trust me, the most I can say is my parents do and so far its OK. I'm not about to run rampant and spam Maple Story <---this game sucks. <----- This statement is subjective.

So continuing, I'm lost and its of paramount of importance I find another game or something to do. I do my work with the goal in mind to relax and play, so with the loss of interest in a game comes the loss of interest in work as well. Its a blessing and a curse, because its easy to motivate myself yet risky.

Vindicated by Dashboard Coffesional. What kind of band name is that? No clue. It is the Official Sound Track (OST) of Spider-man 2. I like both the tune and the meaning, because I get very irritated when I don't get a chance to explain themselves or when other people don't genuinely listen and end up doing stupid things or making bad choices.

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