

Thursday 27 January 2011

Hit too many times?

My younger brother is fucking stupid.

I've always been very unforgiving, a little elitist even, but I care for my younger brother.

So someone answer me, have I hit him on the head too many times?

He's doing much poorer than me and my brother in school. He lacks any amount of discipline. He's pampered to the core. And he is fucking stupid.

Its not that he's retarded. He just never uses his damn brains. Seriously.

Every piece of homework he can't do alone.
Every game he plays I need to help him.
He didn't know which was left and which was right for about 5 minutes once.

How can I tolerate him when the world won't? Success lies a lot on academia you know. And if he can't freaking use his brains for anything...

Is he just lazy? Maybe. But whatever the case, I am seriously seriously worried for him.

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